Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Education Resources Committee
19 Feb 2019 - 10:00 to 12:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors




Katy Loudon (Chair), Peter Craig (Depute Chair), John Ross (ex officio), Alex Allison, John Anderson, Robert Brown, Stephanie Callaghan, Margaret Cooper, Poppy Corbett, Margaret Cowie, Fiona Dryburgh, Lynsey Hamilton, Ian Harrow, Mark Horsham, Julia Marrs, Monique McAdams, Ian McAllan, Gladys Miller, Lynne Nailon, Carol Nugent, Mo Razzaq, Graham Scott, Margaret B Walker, Sheena Wardhaugh, Jared Wark, David Watson

Jackie Burns, Maureen Devlin, Isobel Dorman, Ann Le Blond, Martin Lennon, Eileen Logan, Colin McGavigan, Mark McGeever, Jim McGuigan, Richard Nelson, David Shearer, Collette Stevenson, Bert Thomson, Jim Wardhaugh

Standard Items
1 Declaration of Interests
Minutes of the meeting of the Education Resources Committee held on 27 November 2018 submitted for approval as a correct record.  (Copy attached)
Monitoring Items
Joint report dated 23 January 2019 by the Executive Directors (Finance and Corporate Resources) and (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Joint report dated 30 January 2019 by the Executive Directors (Finance and Corporate Resources) and (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Joint report dated 21 January 2019 by the Executive Directors (Finance and Corporate Resources) and (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 28 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Items For Decision
Report dated 21 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Items For Noting
Joint report dated 5 February 2019 by the Executive Directors (Finance and Corporate Resources) and (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 23 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 22 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 18 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 23 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 21 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Report dated 19 January 2019 by the Executive Director (Education Resources).  (Copy attached)
Urgent Business
15 Urgent Business
Any other items of business which the Chair decides are urgent.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting