Planning Committee

Committee Details
18 May 2017 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information


Committee Membership Filters
PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Page 1 of 3, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 26 members/vacancies that match search criteria
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Alex Allison Member 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Ralph Barker Member 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Archie Buchanan Member 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Ross Clark Member 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Gerry Convery Depute Chair 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Margaret Cowie Member 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Maureen Devlin Member 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Colin Dewar Member 10/08/2023 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Mary Donnelly Member 31/01/2024 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Monique Equi Member 18/05/2022 - current


Substitute PartySubstitute NameSubstitute RoleSubstitute Membership Dates
Page 1 of 2, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 14 substitutes/vacancies that match search criteria
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Walter BroganSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Councillor Robert BrownSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Mathew BuchananSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Independent Group
Councillor Margaret CooperSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Poppy CorbettSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
Councillor Allan FalconerSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Grant FergusonSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Gladys Ferguson-MillerSubstitute 31/01/2024 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Councillor Martin HoseSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party
Councillor Julia MarrsSubstitute 18/05/2022 - current
Committee Clerk
Stuart McLeod
07385 370 117

Other Information